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Sufganiot Tasting

A sufganiyah is a doughnut eaten in Israel and around the world on the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. The doughnut is deep-fried, filled with jelly or custard, and then topped with powdered sugar. At Hanukkah, Jewish people observe the custom of eating fried foods in commemoration of the miracle associated with the Temple oil.  Bakeries and grocery stores build excitement for the approaching holiday by selling sufganiyot individually and by the box many weeks prior to the start of the actual holiday.  Local newspapers add to the excitement by sending out food critics each year to rate the "best sufganiyah in town."  As a result of the national excitement, some bakers have elevated the basic filling recipe to an art form. The least expensive version is filled with plain red jelly, while more expensive versions are piped with dulce de leche, chocolate cream, vanilla cream, cappuccino and even araq, and topped with various extravagant toppings, from coconut shavings to meringue and fruit pastes.  Great examples of Israeli food at its best and most tasty!!


Click here to come with me to the Western Wall and see the Hanukkah Menorah being lit.

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