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Hadassah Museum

Short History Of Hadassah Hospital

Learn About Hadassah Hospital’s Mission

From its inception, Hadassah's pacesetting progress has set the standard for medicine in Israel; the standard of excellence. An impressive list of achievements is testimony to Hadassah's vision and mission. Today, Hadassah Medical Organization continues to move forward, making the world a better place through healing, teaching, and research. 


Since the establishment of Hadassah's first hospital on Jerusalem's Neviim street - a gift of the Rothschild family in 1918 - the Hadassah University Medical Center has expanded to include two university hospitals in Jerusalem, on Mt. Scopus and in Ein Kerem.  The two hospitals have 1,000 beds, 31 operating theaters, nine specially oriented intensive care units and five schools of allied medical professions, owned and operated in collaboration with the Hebrew University.


Hadassah is at the forefront of cutting edge medical technology and is continually striving to do what ever it can to give the finest medical care available to all who come through their doors.  


To take a quick tour with me of the gorgeous village of Ein Kerem click here



Barbara Sofer | 0508946206
Israel Director of Public Relations
Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America

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